Thursday, December 20, 2012

Who and Why

Amerayn Acres is a planned farm run by family and funded through our crafts.
I am not the best at expressing myself in writing so please bare with me while i explain who i am and why i am here.
My name is kerri and in 1993 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that i named Aydin Marie.  my world turned upside down when we found out that she was born with a condition called SMA- Spinal Muscular Atrophy.  The condition took away her ability to breath or move on her own and although i do not like the term persistent vegetative state, this is the doctors way of describing her.   I spent all my time with her in the hospital and pediatric nursing home.  I learned many crafts in order to obtain money since holding a job was difficult.  Thankfully my family was very supportive.  My crafts were selling well and a portion of the proceeds was donated to organizations that help terminally ill children and their families.   By 1999 Aydins condition made her immune system so weak that an absessed tooth caused her to have heart problems and she passed away.   My life stopped that day.  I was barely exsisting and could not face everyone in my life any longer because i felt that there must have been something i could have done differently to have kept her from being ill to begin with and what could i have don to make her better.   Instead of going to grief counseling i chose to move out of state and just exsist until my last breath.  i stopped caring about everything.
I continued the mundane things that made up a day but nothing more.  went to the store once a week for supplies and nothing more...  this went on until october 
2001 when i decided to use the local bus to learn more about the area i was living in.  I was waiting for the bus when 2 people walked over and sat down.  the first person to speak was a guy named Jason.  He introduced himself and his friend Thomas.  Just idle chatter waiting for a bus but we exchanged email addresses.  Jason sent me an email that night asking if i played spades online.  I did so we joined in a game together.  we spoke for a few weeks and met for coffee on a few occasions and Thomas was always with him.  Thomas never really spoke much.
during the times that we were spending together i met a few more of their friends and i looked forward to spending time with others but still remained closed off and reserved.   on my next visit to the diner i am informed by the staff that the people i am hanging out with are homeless.  why they felt the need to inform me still escapes me.  the conversation started " honey you seem like a nice girl but are you aware that the people you come here with are homeless and live at the local shelter?"   i politely thanked her and went on my way.  them being homeless didnt change the people i knew as my new friends.  I did however have concern that no one had seen thomas in a few days.  I knew he had come from an abusive past and didnt know whatcould have happened to him....  i asked everyone...  finally he came back and told me he had admitted himself in the hospital for suicidal urges that developed from learning he only had 2 more days left at the shelter and no options for being indoors through the winter.   right away i told him to come stay with me and we could figure it out.  he chose not too because he didnt want to burden me with his issues.  i let him have his way for 2 days and then enlisted all our friends to force him to my home.  bound and gagged, hog tied, drugged, etc i didnt care how they got him to me as long as they got him to my house...  he gave in and came willingly.   he owned no clothing but what he had on and 2 extra pairs of socks so after i showed him to the bathroom i gave him some of my lazy day sweats and we went out clothing shopping.  once he settled in we got along great and i began to develop feelings for him more than just friends.  We have been a happy couple ever since january 2002.  now during all our time together we began doing everything we could to help others that are homeless or low income.   Selling my crafts, garbage picking for discarded items that others might enjoy, borrowing a small piece of farm every spring to grow fresh produce, beging farmers to let us gleen their fields, using craft money earned to buy from farmers and many other ways to make sure we do our part to help others.Recently we sold everything we owned and moved in with other people in order to save money towards purchasing land which we can farm and raise livestock to help more people.  Staying with these other people has turned out to not be the best plan so we will be heading out and staying at camp sites in national forest parks and other campsites.  they will cost us about $10 a day to have a site that has power and they have everything else we would need right near the sites.   We will continue to do this until we have enough money to purchase the land and then we will bring our tent onto the land.  once we get our tent set up on the land we will start turning that piece of land into AmeRayn Acres.
If you have made it through my blog and are reading this, please consider donating $1.   I have paypal so please go to paypal and hit send money.  dont have paypal?  i can send an invoice or money request that you  can donate with credit card.  

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